Ministries of Reunion

reunion men

Reunion men exist to build up godly men for the purpose of promoting and proclaiming the gospel. It is designed to create a culture that encourages and empowers men to fellowship and follow Jesus.

Reunion men meet on the last Saturday of every month (no meeting in December) at 8:00 AM.

reunion women

Reunion women exist to build up godly women for the purpose of promoting and proclaiming the gospel. It is designed t create a culture that encourages and empowers women to fellowship and follow Jesus.

Reunion women meet on the third Thursday of every month (no meeting in December or January) at 7:00 PM

reunion kids

Reunion kids exist to build up kids for the purpose of promoting the gospel. It is designed to create a culture that encourages and empowers kids to fellowship and follow Jesus.

At Reunion we love kids! They bring joy and life to the congregation, and they help adults to understand the love of the Father and the meaning of childlike faith. Reunion kids is passionate about partnering with families to raise kids who love and trust Jesus. We offer reunion kids during our Sunday Gatherings for children 12 months old - 2nd Grade. We ensure that children are loved, cared for, and taught, gospel-centered truth. Our goal is to point them to Jesus.

Because we believe children benefit greatly from seeing their parents engage with God and his people, children in 3rd Grade and above will remain with the rest of the church for the sermon while they listen/write/draw in their Kid's Workbook provided to them. Reunion is a family of families, and we don’t expect perfectly behaved children! If your child is being disruptive, please don’t be embarrassed. However, if you need to step outside the worship for a minute to attend to your child, please feel free to do so. We value children and we want them to feel comfortable when we gather together for a time of mutual encouragement.

reunion [prayer] warriors

Reunion prayer warriors exists to glorify God by seeking God on behalf of needs within our community and beyond. This ministry is designed to create a culture of thankful dependency and joyful submission.

Our prayer warriors meet an hour before the worship service begins and pray for each other, our church, and other urgent requests beyond our community. They understand the privilege of prayer and that God meets our weakness with His power. God has unique and unlimited power so we reach out to the all powerful One for healing, comfort, direction, provision, reconciliation, etc. We value prayer and want to submit our lives under the loving, wise, and life-giving direction of our God.